
Friday, July 28, 2006

''..some things y'do..and some things y'don't..''

..get used to that is...
A particularly relective (and rainy) hour spent in the swimming pool today, thinking about all the adjustments one encounters in an alien pools (complete with inclement weather and seagulls on the wing) are really cool-literally..having to shower naked before one swims (and I mean a proper shower, with soap, large diagrams of naked bodies pointing out the bits to attend to and lots of other ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes doing the same around you) is really refreshing and makes one wonders what unpleasant bacteria float around in British pools ;-)...getting job offers because somebody you know speaks to somebody they know is not much less than a phenomena (especially after the treachery of NHS interview panels)...little babies growing into little people and being able to walk (..finally!-well done Elijah Benedikt) and little babies growing into even bigger people ( and not only being able to walk and talk but to slam doors and tell their dads that their clothes are not cool..mums are though, apparently)...but being unable to understand the conversation that the 2 little girls swimming at the side of you are never get used to doesn't stop you feeling as if your IQ has deteriorated overnight, it doesn't help with your self-esteem and it doen't stop you from feeling like a legal alien..I tell you, Sting was right when he wrote that song (although the bit about having toast done on one that-that is just weird man.. but hey! at least I can understand the lyrics ;-)..
Love to one and all..don't forget to think about us when you next go swimming!!
Lots of love from J and boys xxxx


  • I was visiting my sister's site and stumbled upon your family's blog. I live in Norway and my sister lives in Phoenix. We totally know what it's like being away from family and friends. I just wanted to wish you good luck in Iceland. Sincerely, Lise, Bergen, Norway.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:13 pm  

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