
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

''...beaten to it..!''

..thought I'd actually put fingers to keyboard and update you all with our news but I see Toti did that yesterday...
..except that (1) T did not manage to get us online last night and I am getting a sense of cross-cultural deja-vu as we are once again paying for services that we cannot actually access :-/ and (2) my management of aggression course was actually quite good and despite the instructors being male, they were not macho, they did actually feel pain and they didn't make us do any role-play :-). I am quite happy now to attend my annual updates!
All round, my new job is not trteating me too badly..I have been given lots of opportunity to do the things I enjoy such as practice development and service user/carer involement work, I seem to be doing ok at this leadership bit and I have discovered a knack for off-duty (write it, sneak it onto shelf and finish shift very quickly!!!).
So, whilst I am still looking for a more challenging job and promotion I am no longer desperate and happy to do what I am doing 'til the right post comes along.
And as T may soon be taking an entirely new career path(fingers crossed for the next part of his police application) my job may need to be nearer home or fewer hours so its good to stay where I am, build up trust and reliability and see what the future holds. We are all very proud of T for getting this far so soon and as he doesn't find it easy to get up in the mornings I reckon he deserves to pass the physical test purely on the basis of those 6am starts on cold, cold mornings!
As T said EBB is doing well, happy at nursery, bi-lingual and toddling along into childhood.
J is doing good too although defintiitely not there yet and we do still have some behavioural issues that rear up from time to time but nothing we can't cope with (unless you are his Dad who struggles with the practising teenagerdom!). Great to see him out and about with friends though and having a more fulfilling and happier life. He has been picked for the school football team too :-).
I am off now for a few days..all those extra days leave courtesy of agenda for change (we get more than the police you know?!) and I am hoping to get down to some gardening at some point. I sorted the garage the other day too and we only have a few boxes left to unpack..impressive hey? The mark of a well-travelled woman!
Speaking of which, only 2 weeks until we visit Iceland...hope to catch up with some of you then and there...
love to you all fromus all..J and 3 boys xxxxxx


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