
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Deb would have been proud of me...!

Hello y'all...hope you are all enjoying the spring weather and not been 'had' by too many april fools??
Its windy here (nooo!) but the sun has been shining for the last few days and suddenly the wind doesn't seen half bad. I think Jolyon may disagree there, as it was a tad chilly walking thro' Keflavik this morning..we went exploring and had a chilled day altogether. And I got all excited because not only did I find disposable dishcloths last week, today I found a proper floor mop-the type where you can attach wet and dry cloths (Deb, you have trained me well!). So whilst Mum coped with all this excitement, J then played with Johann and Elijah helped Daddy with DIY and cleaning (no comments about gender-orientated tasks please!). The spare room is now finished and awaiting its first guests. And tomorrow we receive our first (non-resident) guests when Toti's parents visit.
We are also hoping to have 2 cats very soon-hopefully after we return from our week in the summer house..a house always needs a feline prescence to make it into a home and we are going to rescue 2 ladies (probably) from the cat sanctuary. I miss my 2 ladies very, very much altho I know they will be enjoying the life-of-riley at my parents. J is also patiently awaiting his promised rodent...
We are still thinking of going into business and Toti and I have agreed on the next steps..we both know that whatever we decide to buy or start, it is our way forward, especially important for oneself, currently out of the employment-loop. And whilst not nursing and not using all my skillls does bother me at times, I am hoping to continue to work with people in other areas, especially with people who are also coping with the culture shock that Iceland presents.
So, we are all doing ok, which is always good-J enjoyed talking to Cameron on the phone today and I always enjoy all your emls and texts, altho Erika's jokes often leave a lot to be desired! (Derrien, you need to crack the whip that bit harder and keep her under control..take lessons from Jackie-Deb tells me she has got right bossy in her Joanna-free age!!). And Fiona, sorry for lack of phone calls- but you are always in my thoughts and I will try harder from now on, especially now we are all much more settled. We miss you all but..
Love to you all, as always, from us all. Take care, Love Joanna,Toti,Jolyon and Elijah xxxx ;-)


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