
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the sun is shining..and the wind is no longer blowing..(at least for the moment!)..

just a quick and sunshiney hello. Hope you are all ok-we enjoyed a happy day yesterday pottering aroung the house and garden in the sunshine. T took down the wall that has blocked off the terrace at the back of the house. It has made the lounge much brighter and we will have another lovely spot to sit in, once T has built steps (so little people don't fall over) and put up the new fence (so the neighbours don't spy on us or teenagers take a shortcut thro to their house behind us). It finally feels as if we are making our new house our new home and that is a good feeling.
J has gone back to school today and T back to work. But Thurs is officially (in Iceland anyway) the first day of summer and it is a bank holiday so an even shorter week for those working or studying in the Burton-Freysson family. And it is lovely and sunny again today which always make you view things with a happier disposition. I miss the daffodils and spring flowers tho! I have the plants pots-now I just need the gardening tools, soil and plants and I will be able to introduce some plants inot this bare garden (can you believe that the man who used to own this house, used to drive his cars around the lawn??!!..yes, really!). Not gardening people then??!Luckily the garden has survived, much to our amazement.
Anyway, off to get the chores done before J returns home.
Lots of love and sunshine to you all on your little island from all of us on our sunny and wind-free (almost) island. xxxx


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