
Monday, May 08, 2006

' Didn't we have a lovely time, the day the girlies came to Gardur'

Hello all and apologies for lack of entries..
..its been an emotional few weeks as Jolyon has had to change schools because of bullying. He is now going to an independent Christian school and is so much happier-so we are having to sell up (again) and move nearer the capital as his school is in Reykjavik. I won't be particularly sad to leave this house as our life has seemed to be more focussed towards being 'in town' but all that hassle is a bit of a pain (as is the ongoing DIY!).
Still it will be worth it in the end-we will have to buy a smaller house at a bigger price as houses are much more expensive nearer RVK but we will save a fortune in petrol bills so it will all balance out in the end.
And it is worth it to see our biggest boy happy at school again.
All the sadness and worry was put aside for a weekend though when Deb and Jackie came to stay (and yes, I cried at the airport-both arrivals and departures!). It was fantastic to see 2 of our fab friends and we managed to pack a lot into 2 1/2 days..the sights (and shops) of RVK, the sights (and lava fields) of Mount Keilir and the sights (and sea) of Gardur. And the moment when my 2 dear friends became largely nonsensical?...that first moment when they stepped into the Blue was priceless and they (we) loved it! Derrien and Erika-Deb and Jackie can't recommend it enough! We all had a fab time; laughed alot, talked alot, ate loads of chocolate and the girls fell in love with Iceland..(so when you moving over then??!!)
Not long now til we go to Italy with Grandmum and Pops..we are all excited. Eli B is not yet walking so I wonder if he will find his feet when we are over there?
Our 2 new cats are settling in, after a big scare with Kleopatra who had to spend a few days in the animal hospital. Her adopted sister 'Joy' (named by Jolyon as she is such a happy cat) are such characters and its great to have feline friends again (altho' I could manage without the return to cat litter trays!!).
So all in all, as promised, a hectic few weeks but we are still smiling and looking forward, as always. :-)
Hope all you folks are enjoying the sunshine (Iceland was hotter than Mallorca yesterday!)..
Take care of yourselves and each other..all our love from the Anglo-Saxon Vikings, 3Bs and a Freysson xxxx
PS more photos on web sooonn-I promise!


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